WHEN TO VISIT FERTILITY CLINIC ? The predominant feeling when you first start trying to get pregnant is excitement. You imagine your future child as the perfect mix of you and your partner. You spend time thinking about the type of parent you will be (perfect, of course) and what your new life will be like. But as each month passes and you are not pregnant, slowly but surely, you may start to feel nervous. It’s natural to feel nervous – but how do you know when it’s time to stop dismissing your feelings of nervousness, and time to start worrying? How Long Should I Try Before Going to a Doctor Believe it or not, it’s normal to not get pregnant immediately or even within the first few months of trying – these things do take time! Infertility experts say that you should not worry until you have been trying to get pregnant with unprotected intercourse for 12 months (for woman under 35) or six months (for women 35 and over). For a couple that is trying to get pregnant, it is important to have sex when the woman is about to ovulate. You have lots of options for determining this timing, from taking your temperature each morning (basal body temperature), to monitoring your cervical mucus, to using over-the-counter ovulation prediction kits. You have an infertility evaluation if: You have not become pregnant after one year of having regular sexual intercourse without the use of birth control. You are older than 35 years and have not become pregnant after 6 months of having regular sexual intercourse without the use of birth control. Your menstrual cycle is not regular. You or your partner have a known fertility problem. If any of these apply to you, it’s time to consult a medical professional.Best Fertility Care Center, Advanced Fertility Care Center, Ashwini Hospital Moondrumavadi Madurai -07 , Maternal and Child Health Care
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