How is an FET cycle done?
Before starting an FET cycle, the physician needs to assess the uterine cavity using one of three tests:
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) – In which x-ray dye is injected into the uterus and the cavity is viewed with x-rays;
Sonohysterogram (SonoHSG) – In which saline is injected into the uterus and the cavity is viewed with ultrasound;
Hysteroscopy – In which a fiberoptic scop ...
Ashwini Hospital & Fertility Centre 08071280311 Iyer Bungalow Rd, K.Pudur. 2020-05-22T05:48:20 2020-05-22T05:48:20
Ashwini Hospital & Fertility Centre 08071280311 Iyer Bungalow Rd, K.Pudur. 
How is an FET cycle done? Before starting an FET cycle, the physician needs to assess the uterine ca